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Arizona Renaissance Festival

Arizona Renaissance Festival 12601 E. US Highway 60, Gold Canyon

Arizona Renaissance Festival Open weekends from February 1 through March 30, 2025 Time travel to the greatest party since Camelot! Take a stroll through the colorful Village of Fairhaven where history comes alive with non-stop, day-long, immersive

Cookies & Cocktails 2025

Corbett's 340 N 6th Ave, Tucson

Join Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona for light appetizers, cookie-themed drink pairings, and some epic dessert creations from favorite local restaurants competing in our famous Girl Scout Cookie Dessert Challenge, all to benefit accessible programming for every

Southern AZ Home Show

Tucson Convention Center 260 S Church Ave, Tucson

Friday, March 28 through Sunday, March 30, 2025 (9 AM-5 PM…

10th Anniversary Fast Pitch event with SVP

Fox Theatre 17 W Congress Street, Tucson

Social Venture Partners (SVP) Tucson is planning an evening of relationships, resources, and resilience on display as eight nonprofit organizations present their three-minute “fast pitch” stories. Witness eight exceptional non-profit leaders gain cash prizes as they present their stories to a live audience. You

Theresa Caputo: The Experience @ Diamond Event Center

Diamond Event Center - Tucson 975 West Prince Road, Tucson

Known for her unique ability to communicate with those who have passed on, Theresa Caputo Live: The Experience brings Theresa face-to-face with her fans as Spirit guides her through the audience, and a full-stage video display ensures

TUSD @ TCC MIXFM Virtual Remote

Tucson Convention Center 260 S Church Ave, Tucson

The Promotions crew are going to be hanging out with the Tucson Unified School District at TCC on 260 S. Church Ave! We will be there 9:00am - 11:00am Spin the prize wheel, snag some station swag,

Firehouse Subs MIXFM Remote

Firehouse Subs on Old Spanish Trail 9525 E. Old Spanish Trail, Tucson

Syndi Long and the Promotions crew are going to be hanging…

All in For Autism Dino Days & Walk

Tucson Convention Center 260 S Church Ave, Tucson

The Autism Society of Southern Arizona invites you to All In For Autism Dino Day & Walk on April 19th  at the TCC! Join us for a fun-filled day of dino-themed activities and a community walk, all
